Love Plant, Love Potion

Bene stetis, bona gens

They say we all love in a particular manner.  Some of us love logically and pragmatically, others romantically and others have companionable love.  Consummate love is rare, it's far more common to be infatuated with the idea of a person rather than the reality.  It's common to become fascinated in love with someone who is inherently bad for you.  And others are doomed to fall in love quickly and wildly, here and there.

"Love is sweet.  A mouth that is the object of erotic love tastes like honey."-Christian Rätsch, Plants of Love

It is part of my identity to recognize the sensual appeal in the realms of taste and smell as they are manifested in nature.  Different smells turn us on, different materials produce different effects; medicinal, metaphysical or otherwise.  Cinnamon stirs passion, vanilla sweetens languishing love, lime teases the tongue and chocolate is euphoric delight in all its diverse forms.

Tea: black tea, blue lotus, peppermint, jasmine blossom. Just for me.
Every culture had its own taboos relating to love magic.  In Latin American magic, vanilla and cacao are used in combination for both medicine and as an aphrodisiac and this pairing is also blended with allspice and cayenne- both of which are considered aphrodisiacs. In Lucumi, omieros of Oshun are blessing and love potions distributed to a patient by the babalawo or a even a witch. In Neapolitan witchcraft, cimarutas or Rue charms are a common talisman, as well as the employment of philters; erotic, committal, consensual, narcotic, entrancing, illegal, forbidden, delighted containing a vast array of herbs and spices.

Friday Morning's Venusian Beauty Bath

In a Tibetan lust-bath potion, it is reported that pomegranate juice, cinnamon, mallow, asparagus and long pepper are employed to reinvigorate that which has been lost.  The ingredients in Southern Hoodoo's love philters involve the volts of the one who is desired or admired; their socks soaked in whiskey, old underwear, spit, semen, hair, breast milk- all manner of personal, these would be coupled with herbal waters, often containing yarrow or High John. This was often mixed with erotic ingredients, concealed in food and fed back to the desired.

Love charms, in all cultures involve a tone of sweetness and floral quality.  The same way the Romanian witches wildcraft sweet flowers for their love potions, so do the brujas in the suburbs of Los Angeles, and so it is with traditional English witches.  In Irish festival lore, hawthorn blossoms morning dew was a potent love and blessing potion.

"Its ritual: either to an apple or pomegranate you recite the incantation three times. You give the fruit to the woman and have her suck the juices.  That woman will come to you: you can make love to her." Neo-Assyrian Ritual texts, 9th Century B.C.E, Ancient Greek Love Magic, Christopher A. Faraone.

Classical folk magic and witchcraft often defined love magic into categories, usually two which represented the separation between charms for intimacy and charms of erotic love.  Christopher A. Faraone helps us define these as eros; which are "spells used to induce uncontrollable passion" and philia; charms which induce affection.  Philters used to cause impotency or coerce sexual frenzy fall under eros, which deals in desires, while those used to bring a woman romantic and marital love as well as the magic of glamour (manipulating the facade with cosmetics and charms) fall under philia.

Floral Tea and Bath; rose petal, bud, hip, French lavender, white heather, blue lotus, marigold, red clover, jasmine blossom, orange osmanthus, elder flower. Requested by Ann. W.
Beyond their simple metaphysical interpretations of folkloric symbolism, there is a real chemistry to some of the Plants of Love.  Though an aphrodisiac flower or food hasn't yet been proven to exist which can cure organic impotency or actually bring a person to orgasm through use alone, there are tastes and smells that appeal to us on an individual level, and this is, in part, because of the chemical make up of different herbs and how they interact with our psychology and physiology.  Many plants of love contain serious poisons like solanaceae herbs and papaver, while others are stimulating and mildly euphoric like plants containing caffeine and caffeine-like chemicals, e.g; cacao, vanilla, tea.

The way we commonly consume cacao and vanilla overshadows the fact that each is processed, stored, fermented and treated to alter flavor and enhance their scent.  Raw cacao nibs and true vanilla pods lose much of their chemical constituents during the treatment process and then again when cooked, which is why raw cacao is often used in order to get a better idea of the true flavor of the bean.  The component of cacao; theobromine, is a stimulant (and poison in large enough doses),  likely lead to its folklore as stimulating warm feelings- similar to vanilla which is ingested for the same purpose.

Do these plants really increase our Oxycontin and Dopamine production or do they just taste so good that we produce these chemicals in response?  I do not know.  What I do know is that there isn't a lot of science to back up the notion of a so-called "true aphrodisiac".  Plants like damiana; the staple Mexican aphrodisiac, anise; Dioscorides claimed this inspired lust, lovage; which is used in standard aphrodisiac tea as well as cinnamon, cacao and vanilla persist in our lore and legends as Plants of Love; both sexual and romantic.
Rose water, orange blossom water, apple cider vinegar, lemon floor wash

Love magic of any kind is about boundaries and choices.  Traditionally, a witch is one who would perform both coercive and consented erotic and romantic spells.  That's part of the differences between a witch in the traditional sense of the term and other practitioners of magic like healers and shamans.  At the same time, the witch would be employed to dissolve or mend or kindle the possibility of marriages, predict fertility and cure venereal diseases with green or white magic.  This is part of the dual nature of the "witch"- just as capable of chaos as order, it all being a matter of choices and personal boundaries.

I could go on and on about the moral implications of tampering with free will, but I'm not entirely sure it works that way, but I will say this; I do not believe I personally have the right to invoke a name in red work, even in the production of erotic philters. I draw my line in the craft at this particular form.  I'm not judging other practitioners for it, that's just part of what makes witches, witches.  I guess right about here, my primary experience with Arts considered not to be "witchcraft" (e.g healing, medicine) shapes my moral views to a degree.  Hex? Sure.  Curse? Hey, shit happens and I wont judge a good curse here or there.  But target a person to coerce their attraction? Nope. I'm not down with metaphysical roofies.

I enjoy helping people feel like they can draw love, opening their minds to the possibilities.  I deal in curiosity and impulses, persuasion and the game.  You know.  That dance?  The flirt before the wave of tension breaks?  I deal in that energy. There's this optimism to my work and it has a lot to do with making people feel full and comfortable.  I find I'm better at that, because it's what empowers me; the curiosity and craving for what's next...  Is that because I'm a tarotist?

Some of these are baths or teas or both.  Depends on who I was working with.  I didn't include a whole list of ingredients because these recipes are private, but I did label their primary parts.  I'm happy with what I've done.  I'm glad people ask me for specific work on such a powerful part of their personal lives.  And it's nice to do my work.

Each person who requested this had received a love reading from me last month during my open period, and it helped me see what they'd need.  After some taste testing, I found some good blends. When I felt that call, I anointed the altar and then got to work.

Success Draw Tea: Orange peel, lemon zest, cacao, vanilla powder (brown and white), ginger root, pinch of marigold.  For D.K

Love Draw Sugar Bath: rose petal, bud and hip, cacao, brown and white vanilla powder, It will be cut with whole milk powder, goat milk powder and honey powder, mixed lastly. For C.B

Renewal Affection Tea:  chili, anise, cinnamon, cacao, brown and white vanilla powder, clove, nutmeg, pinch of Himalayan sea-salt.. For my boy Jackson

  • Plants of Love by Christian Rätsch
  • Pharmako Poeia by Dale Pendell
  • Ancient Greek  Love Magic by Christopher A. Faraone
  • Ozark Magic and Folklore by Vance Randolph
  • The Sorceress by Jules Michelet
  • Where the Hawthorn Grows: An American Druid's Reflections by Morgan Daimler
  • Magick Potions by Gerina Dunwich

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