Poppies of Summer
I prefer her pure form, as the plant goddess she is; beautiful, big, bouncing flowers bobbing on their long stems in the summer wind, those lush green leaves, those beautiful and magical pods that hold an eternity of seeds and secrets. It's the seeds and pods I like the most; the seeds are part of nearly all smoke blends I use for capnomancy and the pods have about a dozen uses from dream charms to spirit housing.
Poppy is one of my very favorite witches; we grew up together, ate together, drank and dreamed together. So many of the traditional herbs of the Witch's Ointment are completely inaccessible and foreign to me, but poppy is the first witch in Hekate's garden I see in my crossing, the last I see at the gates, and the field that lies between me and the otherside.
"Poppies have been grown for beauty, magic and medicine for centuries,. Egyptians felt hat poppies were a necessary part of funerals and burial rituals and were essential for assuring life after death. Dried poppy petals have been found in tombs dating back 3000 years. Early Romans used juice from the poppy plant for witchcraft. It was thought to be particularly effective in easing the pains of love."
- Laura C. Martin, Garden Flower Folklore
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