Hours of the Tide: Hag's Night

The Hag of Winter;
In all her terrible beauty
rides on wind and night--
with hoard and host, and hunt
and unholy sight
She the Witch Queen,
Lady of the Hill,
and wife to the frost;
A night,
A light,
To honor your ride.

Hag's night in my path takes place on December 11th-- but I hadn't time to post on that day.  I've been avoiding my duties for a while.  Part of me feels like I have to be woken up.  Jolted.  Taken from comfort and thrust into the cold.  On a creative level at least.

I'm so asleep.  Escaping.  But always, right under the surface-- an incessant desire to create something... or I suppose, express something.  Art, of course, is one of the most common and accessable forms of magic and can conjure, dispell, invoke or abjure as we see fit.  Art will transfix or trick the eye; it will outrage with fury and flame, or evoke wonder and stillness.  It is a powerful magic that anyone and everyone can do and had wild effect.  Remember that when in doubt.  It's magic.

Think on this in the dark, when the hag comes riding.  Think of all you could create... and fly with it.

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